Saturday, February 28, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Lucky day
Monday, February 9, 2009
"'s what's for dinner!"
Another Quiet Weekend...
Well, you all havn't heard from me in a while, 'cause there hasn't been much to say. I keep trying to think of something fun to post, but there's nothing there. I guess there was the other day when Henry told me, as he is resting his head on me, that he likes my belly "because it's so squishy." I thought that was pretty sweet of him. Otherwise, not much is happening. Really, I've had a weekend of trying to find a quiet corner to read & relax. As some of you know, I have been a little under the weather for a while, & I didn't feel motivated, or even able to focus enough, to get anything done properly. So on saturday,I had resolved to give myself some quiet time to read, or watch som HGTV. I really had just settled into my chair for less than 5 minutes, when Henry came along to play some 'Guitar Hero', I tried to go somewhere else, & someone else would show up to watch 'Spongebob'. So I was feeling pretty manic on saturday, as you can imagine, being chased from spot to spot. I was determined to get the kids worn out at the playground & then go to Borders to unwind. By the time I got them all tuckered out, all I could do was lay down for a nap myself! Henry & I like to lay down on the couch for our naps, each to our own end, so that we are feet-to-feet, and we can share our blanket this way. I woke up @ some point to find Henry had climbed right up on top of me & fallen asleep! This is how the whole weekend went, really. At some point i just fell into a quiet reslove about the whole thing... I actually kinda got to enjoy it. Like when we put on the movie 'Ember City' saturday night, I was covered in children!!! I had a little crevass through which to watch the movie. I thought the couch might tip over from all the weight being on my end. And then they fell asleep. That was a pretty good movie, by the way. All of this continued right up until this morning. I could not get on the treadmill without Henry & Elizabeth fighting, or one or the other of them crying about something. I settled on a much shorter workout than usual, I was starting to run out of time before Henry had to be at school, & he still needed a shower, too. So I let Henry into the shower with me & we're fighting about who's turn it is under the showerhead. Elizabeth is waiting for us outside of the tub, & she has to keep checking on us by pulling the shower curtain all the way open & throwing the occasional bath toy in for us, another thing to avoid tripping over, while we have our faces full of soap. But we have all survived, and I have to remind myself, for better or worse, "This, too shall pass".