Aloha 2010

Saturday, February 28, 2009

One bright & disturbing morning...

While we are all enjoying breakfast together the other morning, Henry exclaims, "I can hear the Rice Krispies scream when I eat them!"

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lucky day

We were lucky enough to get some good pictures, a couple of years ago, of this bright & beautiful double rainbow from our Lone Jack home.

If you look close, I think you might just spot that pot 'o' gold.

Monday, February 9, 2009

"'s what's for dinner!"

It's funny how lots of little events in a family's life can culmunate to one unforgetable & priceless moment. For instaIt's funny how lots of little events in a family's life can culmunate to one unforgetable & priceless moment. For instance, our family has taken many trips to 'the lake' (my mom lives on the 34 mm at Lake of the Ozarks). On one of our many trips, when Charlie was about 3 years old, we were starting to teach him how to fish, and he was excited to learn! One of the things he was a little fuzzy on, was why we catch the fish. What do we do with them, once we have them? Our response was, "We gotta eat those fish!" So he helped us to place each catch into the holding basket, for safe-keeping and we later cleaned them & cooked them for dinner, as promised. He was not disappointed! Well, after another fun weekend, we returned to our home in Lakewood, and to all the work that awaited us there. One of our projects that had been plagueing us, was trying to keep the squirrels out of our attic. They were able to squeeze into one little hole in the corner of our roof, & set up camp on the ceiling just over our bed. And those dang squirrels would be up & wrestling EARLY in the morning! Our solution was to catch the squirrels in a 'have-a-hart' trap and release them at some far-away park. One day Charlie watched us as we set up this trap, & then later we showed him how the trap caught the squirrel, unharmed. When we asked him what we should do with our catch, well, he responded as you might expect. With a gleam in his eye, he said "We gotta eat that squirrel!"

Another Quiet Weekend...

Well, you all havn't heard from me in a while, 'cause there hasn't been much to say. I keep trying to think of something fun to post, but there's nothing there. I guess there was the other day when Henry told me, as he is resting his head on me, that he likes my belly "because it's so squishy." I thought that was pretty sweet of him. Otherwise, not much is happening. Really, I've had a weekend of trying to find a quiet corner to read & relax. As some of you know, I have been a little under the weather for a while, & I didn't feel motivated, or even able to focus enough, to get anything done properly. So on saturday,I had resolved to give myself some quiet time to read, or watch som HGTV. I really had just settled into my chair for less than 5 minutes, when Henry came along to play some 'Guitar Hero', I tried to go somewhere else, & someone else would show up to watch 'Spongebob'. So I was feeling pretty manic on saturday, as you can imagine, being chased from spot to spot. I was determined to get the kids worn out at the playground & then go to Borders to unwind. By the time I got them all tuckered out, all I could do was lay down for a nap myself! Henry & I like to lay down on the couch for our naps, each to our own end, so that we are feet-to-feet, and we can share our blanket this way. I woke up @ some point to find Henry had climbed right up on top of me & fallen asleep! This is how the whole weekend went, really. At some point i just fell into a quiet reslove about the whole thing... I actually kinda got to enjoy it. Like when we put on the movie 'Ember City' saturday night, I was covered in children!!! I had a little crevass through which to watch the movie. I thought the couch might tip over from all the weight being on my end. And then they fell asleep. That was a pretty good movie, by the way. All of this continued right up until this morning. I could not get on the treadmill without Henry & Elizabeth fighting, or one or the other of them crying about something. I settled on a much shorter workout than usual, I was starting to run out of time before Henry had to be at school, & he still needed a shower, too. So I let Henry into the shower with me & we're fighting about who's turn it is under the showerhead. Elizabeth is waiting for us outside of the tub, & she has to keep checking on us by pulling the shower curtain all the way open & throwing the occasional bath toy in for us, another thing to avoid tripping over, while we have our faces full of soap. But we have all survived, and I have to remind myself, for better or worse, "This, too shall pass".

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I came across this image & thought my fellow bus drivers would get a kick out of it!!!